Hello, I am Eye-ris

And I do things

Like, lotsa things...

Writing, copywriting, coding, drawing, taking pictures, reading, punching stuff, daydreaming, drinking too much coffee... and many more !

I also have a terrible sense of humor, but it's ok. Means I am ready to be a dad.

I write things

(And read them)

I have written a few children's books and Young Adult novels

L'horloge (Clockwork)

Is my first published YA novel. It is the (almost) autobiographical coming of age story of an autistic teenager.

Read reviews on Babelio

Read reviews on Good Reads

Un premier jour d'école ? (First day of school?)

The cute story of a young pangolin eager to go to school.

Psst. I am also an editor and a copywriter

I have collaborated on a number of children's books projects as a lead editor and have revised many, many lines

I am the proud cofounder of Les Éditions Nébuleuses

We are a young publishing house striving to publish the best French language Fantasy and Sci-fi fictions from Quebec. (Is now a good time to mention that French is my mothertongue?)

I draw and design things

(With my computer)

I can do stuff with Photoshop and Illustrator. I also have experience with InDesign.

Sometimes, I use real-life pens and brushes... But I am not always sure what end to draw with.

If you dig deep enough into my Deviant Art, you might discover things you could blackmail me with.

I take pictures of things

(And sometimes of people too)

I make computers go bee-bo-bee-boop

(I am a full-stack developer in development)

I have experience with :

HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Javascript, JQuery, Angular, React, Python, NodeJS, MongoDB, GraphQL, N4J, WordPress, MySQL, PHP...





Not making nerdy jokes




Being both super enthusiastic about and fed up with EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME


I just looove crafting fancy widgets - wait, what do you mean they need to make sense ?

Sometimes, I make apps

I have developped a photo proofing app to share my own images as a photographer using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. It lets me upload pictures from a photoshoot into galleries so that my customers and collaborators can pick the ones they want me to retouch. Way easier than to send a big batch of pics through WeTransfer!

Check it out!

Or check a test gallery directly

The photo upload side is currently in closed beta, but if you want to try it out, contact me!

I research things

(To make the world a better place)

I am a PhD student in cognitive computing and my thesis is about using AI tools to better understand the way prople of different neurotypes communicate with each other.